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Showing posts from February, 2019
RIGHTS OF A TENANT FACING EVICTION: EVEN ON A ‘LOCKED UP PREMISES’… There was a time when the landlords usually see themselves as the alpha and omega and the tenant at their mercy. In those times a landlord could wake up in the morning one day and decide he wants the tenant out of his house; perhaps out of spite, perhaps because he needs the property urgently, or because he has a better offer and or because the rent is due and the tenant has away from the house for long and have the rented premises under lock. “ Whatever the reason, it didn’t matter” . Failure of the tenant to comply would often result in a forced eviction. The tenant is forcibly removed from the premises with his or her things thrown out and sometimes, the tenant’s property is removed from the premises in his or her absence. The trend has however been abated with the realization that such actions is not backed by the law. Regardless of the type of occupancy, whether informal settlements, lease, rental accommodat